Daimler Truck Unveils Plans For Fully Autonomous Semi-Truck By 2027

As early as 2027, Daimler Truck plans to sell a fully autonomous semi model. Torc Robotics, "Daimler Truck's independent subsidiary for autonomous virtual driver technology," provided th

Breaking Stereotypes: Why Electric Vehicles Need Feminine Design Touch

So, Tesla's Cybertruck. Love it or hate it, that thing is PEAK dudebro design, right? Like, it makes a Hummer look subtle. Then you've got all these other ridiculous-looking EVs, like they wer

Tips & Tricks
Navigating the Night: How to Combat Harsh Headlights and Improve Nighttime Driving

Anyone else feel like they're going blind every time they drive at night? Turns out, there's reasons, and it's not just those jerks with blinding aftermarket headlights. This engineer dude

Unlocking Your Car's Speed: The Truth About Speed Limiters

So, you think your daily driver can hit 200mph? Dream on! Turns out, there's a sneaky little thing called a speed limiter that keeps us reasonable (and out of jail...). Here's how it ruins our

Understanding Air Brakes: How Semi-Trucks Stop Safely

Ever seen a semi try to park and it goes PHSSSSS-SCREECH? That's air brakes. Here's why they're a whole different beast from your car: Your Car: Leaks = No Brakes Your brakes

Upgrade Your Trailer Towing Experience with Advanced Monitoring Systems

Modern cars are seriously smart. Fancy sensors, warnings about EVERYTHING... but what about your trailer? That thing needs some love too! Towing monitors are a whole new level, giving you the inside s

Car News
Toyota's Trail-Ready Titan: An In-Depth Look At The 2025 4Runner

Finally, the fifth-generation Toyota 4Runner is going out of production to make way for the first completely revamped 4Runner since the Bush administration. The 4Runner will forego the V6 in favo

Debunking EV Myths: Separating Fact from Fiction in Electric Car Ownership

We get it. There's a lotta weird stuff people say about EVs. Let's clear them up, shall we? Myth 1: "Charging is Like... A Whole THING." Yes, it takes longer than filling up a

Busting Myths: Why It's Time to Consider an Electric Car

Seriously, what's keeping you from getting an electric car? We can see them everywhere – Teslas, those cool electric trucks...heck, even your normally boring Aunt Susan drives one now. So

AC vs. Windows Down: The Surprising Truth About Fuel Efficiency on Road Trips

Okay, those summer road trips get expensive, so here's the age-old question: do you blast the AC, or roll down those windows and hope for the best? Turns out, the answer isn't so simple. He

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